Dear Friends,

I hope this message finds you well and filled with the same excitement that I’ve been experiencing lately when out on a wee walk. Despite the lingering chill in the air, the sunny days hint at the warmth of Spring, complemented by the vibrant colors of crocuses and the delicate beauty of snowdrops/snowflakes.

It is with a heavy heart that I share the news of our beloved community’s “Cluny House” impending sale. The memories of countless hours spent dancing in its ballroom and cherished moments of staying there on many occasions and throughout the years weigh heavily on my mind. This weekend has been one of reflection as I contemplate what this means for Sacred Dance. Our community has a strong culture and history which is something to be celebrated! Let’s celebrate what Cluny has given to us.

As we navigate this transition, let us hold onto the memories we’ve created within the walls of Cluny House. Let us cherish the friendships formed, the dances shared, and the moments of joy and connection that have enriched our lives. While the physical space may change hands, the spirit of our Sacred Dance community remains strong and resilient.

I’m thrilled to share some positive news amidst the recent changes. I’ve started a new dance group in Forres, and it’s been an absolute delight to see a small group of local people come together to enjoy dances from around the world. Their energy and passion have brought a renewed sense of joy to me, reminding us of the power of dance to uplift spirits and foster connection.

We are still dancing in the Universal Hall every Saturday, and I am happy to say the Findhorn Sacred Dance Festival will still go on.

I hope you will join us around The Centrepiece at one of our events soon. The Centrepiece is on March 23rd, see here.

With hugs from Scotland,


PS: Want to join me on this sacred dance journey? I’m fundraising to cover the remaining costs of my training in Germany. Every little bit helps, and your contribution allows me to bring even more dance magic to our community! Check out my GoFundMe campaign here

PPS: Zoom code for Friday 19th April Harmony Haven – please feel free to join us by donation here. Zoom code will be sent out in newslettter

PPS: Peter made a little experience week video below with his message which was lovely, The Findhorn Sacred Dance Festival will still go on!

Some lovely pictures from Feb/march